How to Clean a Mirrorless Camera Sensor?

How to Clean a Mirrorless Camera Sensor?

A dirty sensor can cause all sorts of problems with your mirrorless camera. Not only will it affect the quality of your photos, but it can also lead to decreased image sharpness and even sensor failure. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to clean a mirrorless camera sensor. We’ll answer some common questions, provide helpful tips, and show you how to properly clean your sensor using a variety of different methods.

What Is Sensor Dust and What Does It Look Like?

Sensor dust is made up of a variety of different materials, including skin cells, lint, hair, and other tiny particles that can find their way into your camera. When these particles settle on your sensor, they can cause a number of problems. First and foremost, they can decrease the quality of your photos by causing what’s known as “image contamination.” This is when the particles show up as dark spots in your photos. In severe cases, sensor dust can also cause sensor failure.

What Is Sensor Dust and What Does It Look Like?

So how do you know if you have sensor dust? The best way to tell is to take a photo of a blank white wall or piece of paper. If you see any dark spots in the photo (especially when zoomed in), then you most likely have sensor dust.[2]

Why is cleaning your camera sensor important?

A clean sensor is important for two reasons: it ensures that your images are free of dust spots and it extends the life of your camera. Dust on the sensor is a common problem, especially for those who change lenses frequently or shoot in dusty environments. While most dust can be removed with a blower brush or by taking the camera to a professional cleaner, stubborn spots may require more work.

Cleaning your sensor regularly also helps to extend its life. A dirty sensor can cause image quality degradation and eventually damage the camera’s image sensor permanently.[3]

How to clean your mirrorless camera sensor

Step 1

Remove the lens and turn off the camera

To remove the lens, press and hold the release button on the side of the camera body. While holding down this button, twist the lens counter-clockwise until it comes loose. Once it’s loose, you can pull it off of the camera body. Be sure to keep a firm grip on both the camera body and lens while doing this so that you don’t drop either one.

Turn off your camera before continuing to clean your sensor. This will help prevent any potential damage to your camera’s delicate electronics.[1]

Step 2

Remove the Lens

Before you can start cleaning your sensor, you’ll need to remove the lens. This is usually a pretty simple process: just unscrew the lens from the camera body. If you’re not sure how to do this, consult your camera manual.

Step 2

Once the lens is off, take a look at the sensor itself. You’ll notice that it’s covered in a thin layer of dust. This is perfectly normal, and it’s nothing to worry about. The important thing is that you don’t want any big pieces of dirt or debris on your sensor, as these could potentially damage it.[1]

Step 3

Cleaning the Sensor

Now that you know how to safely remove the lens and access the sensor, it’s time to start cleaning! The best way to clean a mirrorless camera sensor is with a blower brush and a microfiber cloth.

Start by using the blower brush to blow away any dust or debris on the sensor. Be sure to hold the blower brush at least six inches away from the sensor so that you don’t accidentally damage it.

Once you’ve removed all of the loose dust, it’s time to start cleaning with the microfiber cloth. Gently wipe the cloth back and forth across the sensor until all of the dirt and smudges are gone. Remember to use light pressure so you don’t damage the sensor.

If you’re having trouble getting all of the dirt and smudges off with the microfiber cloth, you can try using a sensor cleaning swab. These are special cotton swabs that are designed for cleaning camera sensors. Simply wet the tip of the swab with distilled water or sensor cleaning solution and then gently wipe it across the sensor.[1]

Tips and tricks for cleaning your mirrorless camera sensor

If you notice dust or other debris on your sensor, don’t panic! There are a few simple ways to clean your sensor and keep it functioning properly. Here are a few tips and tricks:

  • Invest in a good quality blower brush. This will help remove any loose debris from the surface of your sensor.

Tips and tricks for cleaning your mirrorless camera sensor

  • If you need to use a cleaning solution, be sure to use one that is specifically designed for camera sensors. You don’t want to damage your sensor by using the wrong type of cleaner.
  • Be gentle! When you’re cleaning your sensor, be sure to use gentle strokes and avoid scrubbing the surface too hard. This can damage the delicate components of your camera.[1]

What you’ll need to clean your mirrorless camera sensor

To clean your mirrorless camera sensor, you’ll need:

  • A can of compressed air (the small cans designed for cleaning computers work great)
  • A soft brush (like a paintbrush)
  • Sensor swabs
  • Cleaning solution[1]

Camera sensor sizes mean different sensor swab sizes

When it comes to sensor size, the bigger the sensor, the bigger the swab. But that’s not to say you can’t use a smaller swab on a larger sensor. In fact, many professional camera cleaning companies actually recommend using a smaller sized swab for larger sensors. The reasoning behind this is that a smaller swab will have less chance of leaving streaks or smears on your sensor.

Of course, if you’re using a smaller sized swab on a larger sensor, you’ll need to be extra careful and make sure that you’re not applying too much pressure. Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging your camera’s delicate sensor.[1]

How to check for dust on your camera sensor

The first step is to determine whether or not there is actually dust on your sensor. This can be done by taking a photo of a plain, evenly lit surface such as a wall or the sky. Once you have your image, zoom in to 100% on the LCD screen or computer monitor and take a close look. If you see small black dots that don’t go away when you change the focus, then those are most likely pieces of dust on your sensor.[1]

How can I prevent sensor spots on my camera sensor?

There are a few things you can do to prevent sensor spots from happening in the first place:

  • Use a camera with an anti-aliasing filter. This will help to reduce the risk of dust and other debris getting onto your sensor.

How can I prevent sensor spots on my camera sensor?

  • Keep your camera body and lens clean. Dust and dirt can easily find their way onto your sensor if they’re present on your camera body or lens. Regularly cleaning both will help to keep your sensor clean as well.
  • Change your lenses in a clean environment. If you’re changing lenses in an environment that’s full of dust or other particles, there’s a greater chance that some of those particles will end up on your sensor. Try to change lenses in a clean, dust-free environment whenever possible.
  • Use a camera with built-in sensor cleaning. Some cameras have a feature that vibrates the sensor to help remove any dust or debris that may be present on it. If your camera has this feature, make sure to use it regularly to help keep your sensor clean.[1]

How to clean your camera sensor without sensor swabs

Cleaning your camera sensor without using sensor swabs is actually very easy. You will need a can of compressed air, an oil-free cleaning cloth, and some patience. First, power off your camera and remove the lens. Next, locate the sensor cleaning menu in your camera’s menu system and enable it. This will open up the shutter so that you can access the sensor.

Now take your can of compressed air and blow away any dust that is on the surface of the sensor. Be sure to hold the can upright so that no moisture gets into the sensor. Once you have blown away all of the surface dust, take your oil-free cleaning cloth and gently wipe any remaining dust off of the sensor. Be careful not to touch the actual sensor with your cloth.[1]

Tips for cleaning a camera sensor with no sensor swabs or rocket blower

  • Start by taking your camera out of its case and removing the lens.
  • With a clean, dry microfiber cloth, gently brush any dust off the sensor. Be sure not to touch the sensor with your fingers.
  • If there are stubborn pieces of dirt or debris on the sensor, you can use a blower brush to remove them. Gently insert the brush into the camera body and sweep it across the surface of the sensor.
  • Once you’ve removed all the dirt and debris from the sensor, you can use a cleaning solution designed specifically for camera sensors. Apply a few drops of solution to a clean microfiber cloth and gently wipe the surface of the sensor. Be sure to follow the instructions on the cleaning solution carefully.
  • Once you’ve cleaned the sensor, replace the lens and put the camera back in its case.[1]

Find where the dust is on the sensor

The first thing you need to do is find out where the dust is on your sensor. To do this, you will need to take a picture of a blank white wall or piece of paper. Make sure that the aperture is set to its smallest setting and that the shutter speed is fast enough so that the image is not overexposed. Once you have taken the picture, download it onto your computer and zoom in to 100%. Look around the image for any dark spots or dots; these are the pieces of dust on your sensor.[1]

Find where the dust is on the sensor

Shoot at lower apertures may help reduce sensor dust spot visibility

When you shoot at a lower aperture, the depth of field is increased. This means that any sensor dust spots will be less visible in your photos as they will be out of focus. So, if you are noticing sensor dust spots in your photos, try shooting at a lower aperture and see if that makes a difference.

Another tip to reduce the visibility of sensor dust spots is to shoot with the lens hood attached. The lens hood blocks some of the light from entering the lens, which can help to reduce the contrast of sensor dust spots in your photos.[1]

How to fix sensor dust spots using Adobe Lightroom

If you have Adobe Lightroom, there’s a good chance you can fix your sensor dust spots without even having to physically clean your camera sensor. In Lightroom, go to the develop module and click on the “spot removal” tool (it looks like a circle with a dot in the middle). Then, select the “clone” option and simply click on the area of the image that contains the dust spot. Lightroom will automatically clone over that area and get rid of the dust spot. Pretty neat, right?

Of course, this method isn’t perfect and it won’t work for every single dust spot. But it’s definitely worth trying out before taking more drastic measures like cleaning your camera sensor.[1]

Last-resort effort in cleaning your camera sensor

When all other attempts to clean your camera sensor have failed, it might be time to take it in for a professional cleaning. This is usually a last resort effort as it can be expensive and time-consuming. But, if you have exhausted all other options, then this might be the best way to ensure that your sensor is clean and free of any debris or dust.

To find a professional camera sensor cleaning service, you can search online or ask your local camera store for recommendations. Once you have found a reputable service, they will typically use specialized equipment to safely and effectively clean your sensor.

Keep in mind that even after having your sensor professionally cleaned, it is still important to take proper care of it. Be sure to follow all the tips outlined in this article to help keep your sensor clean and free of any debris or dust.[1]

Table: Comparison of Mirrorless Camera Sensor Cleaning Methods

Cleaning the sensor of a mirrorless camera is essential for maintaining image quality and preventing dust and debris from affecting your photographs. There are several methods available for cleaning the sensor, each with its advantages and disadvantages. This table compares various indicators of these cleaning methods to help you make an informed decision on how to keep your camera sensor spotless.

Method Effectiveness Difficulty Cost Risk of Damage
Blower Low Easy Low Minimal
Brush Medium Moderate Low Low
Wet Cleaning High Advanced Medium Moderate
Professional Cleaning Very High Expert High Low

Here’s an explanation of the indicators used in the table:

  1. Method: The various methods available for cleaning a mirrorless camera sensor are listed in this column.
  2. Effectiveness: This column rates the effectiveness of each cleaning method in removing dust and debris from the camera sensor. The effectiveness is categorized as Low, Medium, High, or Very High.
  3. Difficulty: This indicator represents the level of difficulty associated with each cleaning method. It is categorized as Easy, Moderate, or Advanced, depending on the complexity of the process.
  4. Cost: The cost factor refers to the approximate expense involved in implementing each cleaning method. The cost is classified as Low, Medium, or High.
  5. Risk of Damage: This column assesses the risk of potential damage to the camera sensor while using each cleaning method. The risk is categorized as Minimal, Low, or Moderate.

The table compares four common methods for cleaning mirrorless camera sensors. The “Blower” method is easy and low-cost but may have limited effectiveness. The “Brush” method offers moderate effectiveness and poses a low risk of damage. “Wet Cleaning” is highly effective but requires more expertise and comes with a moderate cost and risk. For the most effective and safe cleaning, professional cleaning services provide very high effectiveness with low risk, but they may come at a higher cost. Choose the method that best suits your skill level and budget while ensuring a spotless sensor for better photography results.


Can you clean mirrorless camera sensors with alcohol?

Yes, you can use alcohol to clean your mirrorless camera sensor. However, you should be careful not to use too much alcohol, as this can damage the sensor.

It’s also important to note that you should never use an alcohol-based cleaner on a DSLR camera sensor, as this can damage the camera’s delicate autofocus system.

If you’re unsure about whether or not an alcohol-based cleaner is safe for your particular camera, it’s always best to check with the manufacturer before using it.

How can I clean my camera sensor without a kit?

If you don’t have a sensor cleaning kit, there are a few ways you can clean your camera sensor without one. One way is to use a blower brush to remove any dust particles from the surface of the sensor. Another way is to use a piece of tape to lightly pick up any debris on the sensor. If you’re using a piece of tape, be sure to use something that won’t leave any residue behind, such as Scotch tape. Finally, you can also use compressed air to blow away any dust particles on the sensor.

How do I know if my camera sensor is dirty?

The easiest way to tell if your camera sensor is dirty is to look at the image quality. If you see smudges, streaks, or dust in your photos, then it’s likely that your sensor is dirty. Another way to check is to take a photo of a blank white wall or piece of paper. If you see dark spots in the photo, those are dirt and dust on your sensor.

How do I protect my mirrorless camera sensor?

When it comes to keeping your mirrorless camera sensor clean, the best offense is a good defense. By taking some proactive steps, you can help prevent dirt and debris from ever getting on your sensor in the first place. Here are a few things you can do:

  • Use a dust cover when not using your camera. This will help keep dust and other airborne particles from settling on your sensor.
  • Change lenses in a clean environment. If you’re changing lenses in a dusty or dirty environment, there’s a greater chance that debris will find its way onto your sensor. Try to do this in a clean room or outdoors if possible.
  • Be careful when changing lenses. When switching out lenses, take care not to touch the sensor with your fingers or anything else. Even clean hands can leave behind oils and other residues that can attract dust.

How do you prevent dust on a mirrorless sensor?

Here are a few tips to prevent dust on your mirrorless camera sensor:

  • Change lenses in a clean environment. Dust can enter the camera body when you change lenses, so it’s important to do this in a clean, dust-free environment.
  • Avoid changing lenses in dusty or windy conditions.
  • Keep your camera and lenses clean. Regularly cleaning your equipment will help prevent dust buildup.
  • Use a lens hood. A lens hood can help prevent dust from entering the camera body when you’re changing lenses.Use a camera cover. A cover can also help keep dust out of the camera body when you’re not using it.

What tools do I need to clean my mirrorless camera sensor?

To clean your mirrorless camera sensor, you will need a few essential tools: a blower, sensor cleaning swabs specifically designed for your camera’s sensor size, and a sensor cleaning solution recommended by the camera manufacturer.

Is it safe to clean a mirrorless camera sensor myself?

Cleaning your mirrorless camera sensor yourself can be safe if you follow proper guidelines and use the right tools. However, if you’re not confident or experienced, it’s advisable to have it cleaned professionally to avoid accidental damage.

How often should I clean my mirrorless camera sensor?

The frequency of sensor cleaning depends on your shooting environment and how often you change lenses. As a general guideline, consider cleaning your sensor every few months or whenever you notice visible dust or spots in your images.

What precautions should I take before cleaning my camera sensor?

Before starting the cleaning process, ensure your camera’s battery is fully charged or have a reliable power source to prevent any interruptions. Additionally, work in a clean and dust-free environment to minimize the risk of introducing more debris onto the sensor.

How do I clean stubborn stains or smudges from my mirrorless camera sensor?

For stubborn stains or smudges on your camera sensor, it’s essential to use a sensor cleaning solution and sensor swabs specifically designed for removing sensor contaminants. Avoid excessive pressure while cleaning to prevent damage to the sensor.

Can I use compressed air to clean my mirrorless camera sensor?

No, using compressed air is not recommended for cleaning your camera sensor. It may push dust particles further into the camera body, leading to more significant issues. Stick to using a specialized blower designed for sensor cleaning.

How do I perform a “dry cleaning” of my mirrorless camera sensor?

A “dry cleaning” involves using a blower to remove loose dust and debris from the sensor. Simply use the blower in short bursts to dislodge any particles without making direct contact with the sensor surface.

How do I execute a “wet cleaning” of my mirrorless camera sensor?

“Wet cleaning” is a more advanced method involving sensor swabs and a sensor cleaning solution. Apply a few drops of the solution to the swab and gently swipe it across the sensor surface to remove stubborn dust and stains.

Can I clean the camera sensor while the lens is attached?

No, it’s crucial to remove the lens before attempting to clean the camera sensor. Cleaning with the lens attached can lead to fluid or debris getting inside the camera body, potentially causing damage.

Why are there still some spots on my sensor after cleaning?

If you notice residual spots on the sensor after cleaning, it may be due to more stubborn contaminants or scratches. In such cases, it’s best to seek professional sensor cleaning services for a thorough inspection and cleaning.

Useful Video: How to CLEAN Your Mirrorless CAMERA SENSOR? (the RIGHT way)


Overall, cleaning a mirrorless camera sensor is not difficult, but it does require some care and attention. Following the steps outlined in this article should help you get the job done quickly and easily. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thanks for reading!

Do you have a mirrorless camera? Have you ever had to clean its sensor? Let us know in the comments!

