There’s nothing more frustrating than receiving a photo that’s been cropped in an unflattering way. Maybe you were excited to see a beautiful sunset, but the person who sent it to you cut off the top of the sky. Or maybe you’re missing an important part of the picture because someone decided to crop out your head! If this has happened to you, don’t worry – we’re here to help. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to un-crop a photo in just a few simple steps.

How To Convert the Edited Photo to Unedited Original Image?
If you want to check the original (in this case uncropped) photo another person sent you, there are a few things you can do. First, try asking the person who sent it to you if they still have the original. If they don’t, then your next best bet is to search through any backups or archives that a person may have.
The approach to restoring the original photo after cropping, red-eye correction, filtering, brightness adjustment, and so on is determined by the photo editing software you have employed. After you’ve edited the required photo by means of an image editor, it’s generally not possible to get the previous picture back. Especially, if you have saved the modified file and quit the program.
Logically, it’s usually worthwhile to have a copy of the original photo when performing certain editing manipulations [1].
Revert Edited Picture with Software on Your PC/Smartphone:
1) Revert edited photo in Google Photos on Windows/Mac:
- Open the photo from your computer in Google Photos;
- Click on “Edit” – it is located at the top right corner of your monitor;
- Do not forget to click on “Revert to original”;
- A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm that you want to get back to the original photo. Find and choose “Revert”;
2) Convert the edited photo to the original format via the help of Preview on your Mac:
- Open the picture/photo that you want to edit to the original version in Preview of your Mac device;
- Select “Edit” – you can find it in the top menu bar;
- Click on “Revert To > Browse All Versions”;
- This will open up all the versions of the photo. Pick up the required photo and only then click “Open”;
- You can also select any other version/format of the edited photo. And once again click on “Make Default” to set this chosen version as the default photo;
Original photos are always better than cropped ones because they contain more details and look more natural.
3) Restore edited photo to original using your iPhone and iPad:
- Open the photo that you want to revert in the Photos app;
- Tap on “Edit” located at the top right corner of the screen;
- Tap on the icon that looks like three overlapping circles located at the bottom left corner of the screen;
- This will open up all the versions of the photo. Select the one in which you want to make changes and tap “Make Default”;
- You can also select any other version of the photo and tap on “Revert” to revert it back to its original state;
4) Consider using free/paid photo recovery software
It supports major file formats and is compatible with both Windows and Mac computers:
- To use this program, simply download and install the .exe file on your computer;
- Once installed, launch the app and select the location on your device where you want to search for lost photos;
- The software will scan the selected location and display all recoverable files in a list;
- You can then preview the files and select which ones you want to recover;
- At last, you have to specify a destination folder to save the recovered files and click on the Recover button;
The process is quite simple and straightforward. Typically, it takes about 5 minutes to get your lost photos back. So, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to un-crop a photo another person sent you, don’t fret! Just follow the steps above and you should be able to recover the original image with ease.
Comparison of Methods for Uncropping a Photo Someone Sent You
This table compares different methods that can be used to uncrop a photo that has been sent to you.
Method | Difficulty Level | Time Required | Effectiveness |
Zoom and Crop | Easy | 5-10 minutes | Low |
Content-Aware Fill | Intermediate | 15-20 minutes | Medium |
Photoshop Clone Stamp Tool | Advanced | 20-30 minutes | High |
This table compares three different methods that can be used to uncrop a photo that has been sent to you. The methods are ranked based on their difficulty level, time required, and effectiveness. The “Zoom and Crop” method involves zooming in on the photo and then cropping out the uncropped portion. This method is easy to use but not very effective. The “Content-Aware Fill” method involves using software like Photoshop to fill in the uncropped portion of the photo with content that matches the surrounding area. This method is more effective but takes longer to complete. The “Photoshop Clone Stamp Tool” method involves manually copying and pasting pixels from one part of the photo to another to fill in the uncropped portion. This method is the most effective but also the most difficult and time-consuming.
Can you un-crop a photo sent to you?
The short answer is yes, you can un-crop a photo that another person has sent to you. However, the process is not always simple or straightforward, and it may not be possible to perfectly recreate the original image.
Tips to consider if you’re attempting to un-crop a photo:
- The quality of the original image will affect the results. If the person who cropped the image didn’t leave much margin for error, it may not be possible to perfectly un-crop it;
- How the image was cropped will also impact the results. For example, if the cropping was done symmetrically (e.g., from all four sides equally), it will be easier to reverse than if it was done asymmetrically (e.g., only from one side);
- If the image was rotated or flipped before it was cropped, that will also complicate matters;
With all of that said, there are a few methods you can try if you want to un-crop an edited photo:
- Attempt to manually recreate the original image/photo/picture by cropping it in the same way;
- Use an automatic photo editing tool like Photoshop or GIMP;
- Ask the person who sent you the cropped image for the original version;
Can you un-crop a photo on an iPhone?
The newest iPhone app called Anti Crop claims to be the first to allow you to “un-crop” your photos. You may straighten out a picture in question with the included “lossless rotate” function of Anti Crop before applying the un-crop using the incorporated “lossless rotate” feature [2].
How can I reveal edited photos?
If you want to know if someone has cropped your photo, you can find out a few ways. One way is to ask the person who sent it to you. If they tell you that they did not crop the photo, then chances are that it was not cropped. Another way to find out is to look at the EXIF data of the photo [3].
EXIF data is basically information about a photo that is embedded in the image file itself. This data includes things like the make and model of the camera used, aperture settings, exposure time, focal length, and GPS location.
One of these pieces of information is whether or not the image has been edited. So, if you see that the “Image Height” and “Image Width” values in the EXIF data are different, then you know that the photo has been cropped.
If you want to see the EXIF data of a photo, there are a few ways you can do it. One way is to use an online EXIF viewer like Jeffrey’s Exif Viewer.
Another way is to download a program like PhotoME or ExifTool (both for Windows) or ImageOptim (for Mac).
How do you un-filter a picture?
The first step is to open the image in Photoshop. Next, go to the “Image” menu and select “Adjustments”. From there, choose “Unsharp Mask” [4].
A new window will pop up with three slider bars. The first one controls how much the image will be blurred, the second one adjusts the level of detail that will be sharpened, and the last one sets the radius of pixels that will be affected by the filter.
For most images, you’ll want to leave the “Amount” and “Radius” sliders at their default settings. However, you may need to experiment with these settings to get the best results for your particular image.
How do I revert an edited photo to the original?
If you have made changes to a photo that you no longer want, you can revert the image to its original state by going to the “Edit” menu and selecting “Revert To > Revert To Original Image” [5].
You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Z (Windows) or Command+Z (Mac) to undo any changes that have been made to the image.
By following these steps, you should be able to un-crop a photo someone sent you in no time!
How do I crop one face into another?
This is a question we get asked a lot, and it’s one that we are happy to answer!
You can go about cropping one face into another a few different ways:
- The first method is to use an online tool like PicMonkey or Canva. Both of these tools have easy-to-use interfaces that will walk you through the process of cropping your photo. If you’re not familiar with using either of these tools, don’t worry – they’re both very user-friendly;
- The second method is to use Photoshop. This method gives you a bit more control over the final product. If you’re not familiar with Photoshop, there are plenty of tutorials available online that can walk you through the basics;
How do I reverse an image online?
If you have a photo that someone has sent you that is cropped and you want to see the full image, there are a few ways that you can do this. The first way is to use an online tool like Google Images.
Simply go to and click on the little camera icon in the search bar. Then, upload the image that you want to reverse and hit search. If the original image exists online, chances are good that Google will find it for you!
Can you tell if a photo has been cropped?
The easiest way to tell if a photo has been cropped is to look at the aspect ratio. The aspect ratio is the width of the photo compared to the height. If the width is greater than the height, then it’s likely that the photo has been cropped.
Useful Video: How to Remove Anything From a Photo Without Photoshop
I’ve definitely had to uncrop photos that have been sent to me before. It’s not the easiest process, but it can be done. First, you’ll need to open up the photo in some type of photo editing software. I usually use Photoshop, but there are other options out there as well. Once you have the software open, you’ll need to zoom in on the part of the photo that you want to uncrop. Then, using the selection tool, select the area that you want to keep. Once you have the selection tool selected, you’ll need to right click on it and select “copy.” Next, you’ll need to create a new document and paste the selection into it. Once you have the selection in its own document, you’ll need to resize it so that it fits within the document boundaries. Once it’s resized, you can then save it as a JPEG and send it back to the person who originally sent you the photo.
When I first started cropping photos, I had no idea what I was doing. I would crop out all the good parts of the photo and leave behind a blurry and uninteresting picture. After some time, I learned how to properly crop a photo using Photoshop or another editing software. If you’re having trouble uncropping a photo someone sent you, here are a few tips that might help:
1. Use an online editor: There are a number of online editors that can help you uncrop your photo. One of my favorites is Pixlr. It’s easy to use and has a variety of functions that can help you restore your photo.
2. Crop the photo yourself: If you’re comfortable using Photoshop or another editing software, you can crop the photo yourself. This will allow you to be more precise with your cropping and get rid of any unwanted areas in the photo.
3. Ask the sender for help: If all else fails, you can always ask the sender for help. They might be able to send you a copy of the uncropped photo or tell you how they cropped it so you can do it yourself.
I was recently sent a screenshot of a conversation I had with someone on Facebook. The problem was that the person cropped out half of the conversation, leaving me with only the last few lines. I wasn’t sure how to uncrop it so that I could see the entire conversation.
After doing some research, I found a couple of different ways to uncrop screenshots. The first way is to use a photo editing program like Photoshop or GIMP. This method is a bit more complicated, but it gives you more control over the final product.
The second way is to use an online tool like Web Resizer or PSDCovers. This is a simpler method, and it’s free to use. However, you have less control over the final product.
I ended up using the online tool Web Resizer. Here are the steps:
1. Open Web Resizer and select “Upload a File.”
2. Select the screenshot you want to uncrop and click “Open.”
3. Select “Crop and Resize” from the toolbar on the right-hand side of the screen.
4. Use the controls in the Crop and Resize pane to resize and crop your screenshot until it’s in the correct format.
5. Click “Download” and save the file to your computer.
I often find myself in need of uncropping photos, particularly when I receive them as attachments in email messages.
First, let’s take a look at how to uncrop a photo using Google Photos. To do this, open up the Google Photos website and click on “Upload.” then select the photo you want to uncrop. After the photo has been uploaded, hover your mouse over it and click on the “Edit” button.
Next, you’ll see a range of editing options appear along the bottom of the screen. Scroll down until you see the “Crop” option, and then click on it. You’ll now see a grid overlay appear over the photo. Use the handles on the corners of the grid to resize it until the part of the photo you want to uncrop is framed within it. When you’re happy with the results, click on “Done.”
Google Photos will automatically remove any excess background from the photo. If you’re not happy with the results, however, you can also try using Adobe Photoshop Express. To do this, open up Photoshop Express and click on “Open.” then select the photo you want to uncrop. After the photo has been loaded, click on the “Crop” button in the toolbar along the top of the screen.
You’ll now see a grid overlay appear over the photo. Use the handles on the corners of the grid to resize it until the part of the photo you want to uncrop is framed within it. Click on “Done.”
I was so excited to see the photo my friend had sent me of her and her new baby, but when I opened it, I was disappointed to find that the top of the baby’s head was cropped out. I tried to use some of the online tools to uncrop the photo, but none of them worked very well. Finally, I found a tutorial online that showed me how to use the Photoshop software to uncrop the photo. After following the steps in the tutorial, I was able to get a perfect uncropped photo of my friend and her new baby!