How to Change ISO on Nikon D3500?

How to Change ISO on Nikon D3500?

ISO is the sensitivity of your camera’s sensor to light. It is measured in ISO units, and it affects the amount of noise that appears in your photos.

The higher the ISO number, the more sensitive your camera will be to light, but also the more noise will appear in your photo.

In this blog post, a few photography experts will show in detail how to alter the ISO settings on your Nikon D3500 device!

Key Reasons to Change the ISO Settings on Your Nikon D3500 Camera:

Key Reasons to Change the ISO Settings on Your Nikon D3500 Camera

  • One reason is if you’re trying to take a picture in low light and you need your camera to be more sensitive to light;
  • Another reason is if you’re trying to prevent a camera shake;
  • In a case, the set shutter speed is slower than required, there is a greater chance of blurriness due to camera shake. By increasing your ISO, you can increase your shutter speed and avoid this issue;
  • One more reason is if you want to reduce the amount of noise in your photo;

ISO 100 or 200 is the most common ISO setting for security cameras. Higher ISOs are possible, thanks to advancements in digital sensor technology. The D3500, for example, can capture images with an ISO setting of 25600, which is considerably greater than any regular consumer film’s ISO [1].

But, as with any digital sensor, the D3500’s sensor produces more noise at high ISO settings.

So, if you’re looking to take a picture with low noise, you should consider applying the ISO settings with the lowest limit possible.

The lower the ISO sensitivity, on the other hand, the higher the shutter speed you may work with and the smaller the aperture must be. Contrary to popular belief, a smaller aperture results in a higher f-number. That is, ƒ/22 is considerably smaller than ƒ/4.A low ISO setting is perfect for daytime photography when there is plenty of light to work with.

The catch is that using higher ISOs comes at a cost, and the expense increases as you move up the ISO range. The image may get grainy (film) or noisy (digital), affecting the sharpness and smoothness of images.

The dynamic range is reduced, so the colors and tones become shallower. So it’s a question of choosing the best compromise between ISO, shutter speed, and aperture to ensure a decent shot while minimizing noise and maximizing dynamic range.

Steps to Adjust ISO Settings on Your Nikon D3500 Device – Manual Process

1) Find and choose the specific settings in the D3500 menu:

Find and choose the specific settings in the D3500 menu

  • Keep in mind that the D3500 camera’s ISO range is 100 to 25,600. This may be altered in the “Settings Menu” under the “ISO Sensitivity Settings” tab [2];
  • Choose Menu –> Settings –> D. When in Live View, press the Info button to access the ISO range settings menu. Remember that the Live View screen will have green icons to indicate each ISO setting (green as opposed to red);

2) Select the ISO range to be converted

Locate the ISO value you wish to use. Users should pick Auto (A), P, Auto +/–, or Manual (M) from a drop-down menu under the specific ISO Settings Menu. After hitting your ISO range, please tap the “OK” button – it is located at the top-right corner of the screen.

3) Then you should adjust the ISO range

The ISO setting of the green icon button from the menu box should be selected and OK pressed to change the ISO range. If your chosen ISO range’s ISO setting isn’t accessible, you may have to wait while Nikon updates it on the memory card. The process could take a minute or two. After the ISO has been updated, you can now change the shutter speed and aperture as desired!

In addition, the Main command dial may be used to go through all of the possibilities more quickly. The present ISO setting will be displayed in the upper-left corner of the screen in manual mode.

By following the steps above, you can change your Nikon D3500’s ISO manually. This is a great way to get more control over your photos and avoid camera shake, low light, and noise issues. Experiment with different settings to find what works best for you!

What is Auto ISO?

It is a specific feature on your Nikon D3500. Auto ISO allows the camera to adjust the sensitivity of the sensor automatically. This is helpful in situations where you don’t have time to manually change the ISO or when you’re trying to avoid camera shake.

What is Auto ISO?

To use Auto ISO, first, configure your minimum and maximum sensitivities in the menu. Consider setting your minimum at 100 and my maximum at 1600. Then, as usual, choose your shutter speed and aperture. The camera will then select an appropriate ISO setting for the conditions.

Keep in mind that the camera will always try to maintain the lowest possible ISO setting while still getting proper exposure. This means that if you’re working with your camera in low light conditions, the camera should probably have a slow shutter speed to compensate for the low ISO. This can lead to blurry photos if you’re not careful.

Also, Auto ISO can’t predict what you’re trying to photograph.

How Does the Auto ISO Feature Work on the D3500 Camera:

1) Setting auto ISO’s maximum limit

By default, the Auto ISO utilizes the full ISO range of the D3500. It can thus take advantage of anything from 100 to 25600. There are situations when you might want to limit it, for example, if you’re aiming to improve picture quality. That’s especially handy if you’re trying to maximize image quality because as you go higher in the range, the picture quality degrades (grain), has a vaster dynamic range deficit, and has less accurate colors. You wouldn’t generally employ ISO 25600 for flattering photographs, for example.

2) Setting auto ISO’s minimum limit

It is possible to set the shutter speed in the D3500 to the minimum level, which was useful if you were shooting in aperture-priority mode and wanted to encourage the camera to use higher shutter speeds. The D3500 now takes a different tack. It has a fixed shutter speed of ⅙ sec (the possible minimum) regardless of the lens you have attached, which is based on Nikon’s analysis of average handholding techniques.

Setting auto ISO’s minimum limit

If you’re using a telephoto or macro lens and are worried about camera shake, you can set the shutter speed (to the minimum). In such way, you can make the focal length faster.

For example, let’s say you’re photographing a fast-moving subject and the camera chooses a slow shutter speed to keep the ISO low. In this case, you’ll probably want to override the camera and select a faster shutter speed manually.

3) Setting the shutter speed to the required minimum

The D3500 has a new feature that lets you alter the shutter speed to the lowest setting possible when Auto ISO is active. This is helpful if you’re shooting in aperture priority mode and want to make sure the camera uses faster shutter speeds.

The same applies to the A and P shooting modes – it’s not important in the S or M shooting modes because you choose the shutter speed.

Why is this option buried under the ISO choices rather than where it should be? Because the shutter speed is one of the three most essential variables in exposure calculation, it’s tucked here. If there is no limit to how long the shutter may be kept open, the ISO rating becomes irrelevant. If you wanted, you could leave it at ISO 100 and keep the shutter open for minutes in order for your light in.

Things Worth Knowing About Adjusting the ISO on the Nikon D3500:

  • The D3500 ISO range is 100-25600;
  • It is possible to set the minimum/maximum limits of ISO sensitivities in the camera’s menu;
  • The camera will then choose an appropriate ISO for the conditions;
  • Auto ISO can be a helpful tool with certain limits;
  • Experiment with it in various situations;

Things Worth Knowing About Adjusting the ISO on the Nikon D3500

If you’re shooting in low-light conditions, for instance, consider setting the ISO to a higher level than necessary. And do not forget to add some noise to your image.

When you decide to use Auto ISO, the camera may not always be able to maintain your selected shutter speed or aperture. If you require a quick shutter speed to avert camera shake and a higher ISO (or slower shutter speed) necessary, increasing the ISO may result in using a slower shutter speed.

The same goes for aperture – if a user is applying a large aperture to shoot in low light and the camera needs to use a higher ISO, it may have to stop down the aperture, which could affect your image quality.

Nikon’s analysis of average hand-holding techniques suggests that a minimum shutter speed of ⅙ sec is appropriate for most people when using Auto ISO.

When Not to Use Automatic ISO?

Automatic ISO is great for quickly changing the sensitivity of your sensor on the fly, but there are a few situations where you might want to take manual control. In low-light conditions, for example, you might want to use a lower ISO setting to avoid introducing too much noise into your images.

Or if you’re shooting action scenes, you might require to raise the ISO setting to make sure your shutter speed is high enough to freeze the motion.

In general, it’s best to experiment with both automatic and manual ISO settings to see what works best for you in different situations. And remember, even though the D3500 doesn’t have a dedicated ISO button, it’s still easy to change the setting using the menu or Info display.

Comparison of ISO Settings on Nikon D3500

ISO is an essential setting in photography that affects the sensitivity of your camera’s image sensor to light. Changing the ISO can help you adjust the exposure of your photos in different lighting conditions. Here’s a comparison of the ISO settings on the Nikon D3500:

ISO Setting Recommended Use Noise Level
100 Outdoor photography in bright sunlight Low
200 Outdoor photography in cloudy conditions Low
400 Indoor photography with natural light Low to moderate
800 Indoor photography without a flash Moderate
1600 Low light conditions with moving subjects High
3200 Very low light conditions with moving subjects Very high

This table shows the recommended ISO settings for various lighting conditions on the Nikon D3500. Generally, it’s best to use the lowest ISO possible to avoid noise in your photos. However, in low light conditions or when photographing moving subjects, you may need to increase the ISO to achieve the proper exposure. Keep in mind that increasing the ISO will also increase the noise in your photos, so use higher ISO settings with caution.

Read more guides to upgrade your photography experience:


How do I alter the ISO on my Nikon camera?

To alter the ISO settings on your favorite Nikon digital camera, you will need to access the menu. To do this, press the “Menu” button on the back of your camera. Then use the arrow keys to navigate to the “Shooting Menu”. Once you are in the shooting menu, scroll down until you see the “ISO” option and select it. From there, you can use the arrow keys to adjust the ISO settings. Be sure to press “OK” when you are finished.

How do I turn off auto ISO on Nikon D3500?

Simply set the ISO manually in the menu. To do this, go to the “Camera” menu and scroll down to “ISO sensitivity settings.” From here, you can turn off Auto ISO by selecting the “Off” option.

Where is the function button on Nikon D3500?

The D3500 no longer includes an Fn button, which may be utilized to customize the camera’s functions. The quick menu is another alternative that still requires you to reposition yourself away from the viewfinder and use the back screen. An I button is located on the back of the camera, just above the main utility ring [3].

How do I change the ISO on my DSLR?

To alter the ISO setting on your digital SLR camera, press the ISO button, then use the ‘up down left, and right buttons to adjust the speed. Similarly, if this option isn’t accessible to you, check your camera’s user guide. It may differ slightly across manufacturers and models [4].

Additionally, some newer camera models have an Auto ISO feature. This allows the photographer to set a maximum ISO limit and then let the camera automatically adjust as needed.

For example, if you’re shooting in low light and don’t want your photos to turn out blurry, you can set a high ISO limit. That way, even if the camera needs to boost the ISO to get a clear shot, it won’t go above your specified number and produce grainy images.

Is the Nikon D3500 worth buying?

The Nikon D3500 is one of the most popular entry-level DSLR cameras on the market. If you’re thinking about buying a DSLR, the D3500 is definitely worth considering. It’s relatively inexpensive, easy to use, and takes great photos.

One thing that sets the D3500 apart from other entry-level DSLRs is its ISO range. The D3500 has a native ISO range of 100-25600, which means it can take great photos in low-light situations.

The Nikon D3500 is still the ideal DSLR for novices looking to learn how to produce creative, hands-on photos with a conventional shooting approach. The D3500 is a fantastic camera for beginners, with plenty of features and image-quality potential. The D3500 now provides good value, thanks to its strong built-in memory, simple controls, and long battery life [5].

Is the Nikon D3500 good for beginners?

If you’re just starting out in photography, the Nikon D3500 is a great entry-level DSLR camera. It’s easy to use and has excellent image quality. Besides ISO, you can also easily adjust other settings such as exposure compensation and metering mode from this menu.

It has a best-in-class 24-megapixel sensor that can capture detailed photos with a high dynamic range, so both bright and dark areas will show details, and it performs well in low light.

Is the Nikon D3500 discontinued?

No, the Nikon D3500 has not been discontinued. It’s still a great entry-level DSLR camera and is very popular among beginners.

You can find the Nikon D3500 for sale online or at local camera stores [6].

If you’re looking for a more advanced camera, the Nikon D5600 might be a better option for you. It has a slightly larger sensor and more features than the D3500, but it’s still easy to use.

Does the Nikon D3500 come with a lens?

The D3500 isn’t just Nikon’s lightest and most affordable DSLR, it’s also its lightest. The body alone weighs 415g, even with the battery and a memory card. It’ll come with a lightweight 18-55mm AF-P kit lens, which includes a retractable mechanism to make it more portable when it’s not in use [7].

The Nikon D3500 is a fantastic camera for novices or anybody searching for an inexpensive alternative. It’s simple to use and produces excellent photographs! Now that you know how to adjust the ISO on your D3500, you may begin experimenting with various settings to discover what works best for you and your photography needs.

Useful Video: How to adjust Shutter speed, Aperture and ISO in Nikon D3500

